
All the group stands in the circle with one person in the middle. You explain everyone the roles and the sketches. The middle person can call out a role and point to someone from the circle. That person, the person to his left and the person to his right must then perform a small sketch. The one who makes a mistake becomes the new middle person.

Here are the roles:
1. Viking
When you point to the person and say Viking, that person must make a viking helmet with his hands. At the same time the people standing to the right and to the left of the Viking have to mime rowing the viking bot and make sea noises.

2. Palm tree

When you point to the person and say Palm tree, that person must become a palm tree and start swaying in the breeze. The people standing to the right and to the left of the Palm tree are now Hawaiian dancers and have to dance away from the tree while singing Hawaiian song.

3. Ballet dancer

When you point to the person and say Ballet dancer, that person must put his hands up and start spinning. The people standing to the right and to the left of the Ballet dancer have to do a ballet pirouette while humming the ballet tune.